Void Vernacular

invalid inneundo

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

"you look tired"

i know, i know, it's been a while. i had to have a computer de-tox after spending so many brain-numbing hours studying (i.e. sitting in the library reading blogs and checking for new posts - every half hour). now i feel refreshed and ready to face the neon screen once again.

now, those who know me will know that i don't often get very angry. i'm sort of a non-confrontational piss-ant who would rather have you standing on my foot than asking you to get off... except after i've had a few drinks, then don't you even fucking think of looking at me sideways ,or my boyfriend for that matter!
the point is i'm pretty easy-going, to my own detriment at times. BUT the one thing that is bound to fire me up is when people tell me that i look tired.

what the fuck do they hope to achieve with such a ridiculous fucking comment?
it makes me CRAZY angry.
there are two possibilities that should be considered by anyone even thinking of telling someone else that they look tired:

(a) maybe they are fucking tired. tired of pouring your fucking drinks and politely laughing at your fucking pathetic attempts at humour and politely ignoring the fact that you keep staring at their breasts. perhaps their fucking exhausted because they drank so much coffee the night before in an attempt to stay awake to study that when they finally let themselves go to bed they couldn't sleep. basically, there is a possibility that they are, in fact, tired and they don't need you to remind them of that fact. they don't need their tiredness to be compounded with the news that they not only feel like shit but also look like shit.

(b) it could be that they, in fact, are not tired. maybe you caught them in a moment of deep thought. maybe while they were pouring your carlton they were contemplating something more important than what flavour chips you might want to eat because YOU CAN'T FUCKING DECIDE. just because someone isn't smiling it does not mean they are tired. if you tell someone who is not tired that they look tired, you are insulting them.

either way the results are not good. there is never going to be a situation when someone is glad that you told them that they look like shit. unless possibly if it is followed by the offer to complete an undesirable task. eg. "you look tired, let me do the washing up." but even then that's just an insult followed very quickly with a compensatory distractor.

telling people that they look tired is a fucking stupid thing to do and should be punishable by a fierce poke in the eye and a kick in the nads.
i'm tired now.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

tossed salad (eewwww)

last night i made the best salad i have ever eaten.... ever.
i am not going to divulge all the ingredients here, for fear of being outdone by other people's "best salad ever" but let it be known that mine involved roasted cloves of garlic... that i roasted myself.
(that's right kids!)
i know this probably doesn't mean a lot to many (if any) people but i sure did manage to impress myself.
i am not one with a natural culinary flair.
don't get me wrong- i love food, i live for food, every second that i am not eating is spent wishing i was. but, until around 6 months ago the kitchen stood virtually as a no-man's land for me. i avoided cooking for fear of failing. having been subjected to my mothers (rare) efforts at cooking, i figured 'failure in the flavouring of food' was in my bones.
it seems there is hope for me yet.
since making with the acquaintance of my current beau, my kitchen skills have increased exponentially. not only have i stolen his methods and made them my own but i'm inventing new (new to me, at least) methods of my own.
i now want to cook!
what is happening to me?
has my path to becoming a domestic goddess started to make itself clear?
is cooking a sexually transmitted desire?
am i completely over-reacting?
my 15 year-old-self would be killing herself right now to see the type of person i have let her become.
i'm telling you though, it was a fucking good salad.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

turning japanese

i'm going to japan and i'm so damn-well excited that i can barely sit still!
not only do i get to reunite with the punk who puts the combo in my retardo and the mu in my tea but i get to go to fucking JAPAN!!!
i'm not one to subscribe to the occasionally fashionable hate-on-australia crew, but it is one of those "distance makes the heart grow fonder" deals.
in the plans of another mindset, i was going to be living in canada right now. as will sometimes happen, fate planted some nasty tripwires in my path and after tripping over for the 64th time i decided to take another path. who knew it would lead to japan?
i can't fucking wait to get on the plane. however, i am the tiniest smidge worried about flying with little known "air new being guinea."
it'll be fine right?
nothing wrong with a 10 hour stop over in port moresby at 4am right?
being the compulsive bargain hunter i am, i didn't think so.
when it comes to airfares and apartments i am obsessed with looking for good deals. everybody loves a good deal i know, but does everybody (or anybody for that matter) spend hours looking for deals for fictitious trips or for apartments they know too well they cannot move into?
i can't walk past a real estate without scrutinising the rental lists. i will spend time on ryanair.com looking for cheap travel deals... WITHIN EUROPE!
i'm not going to europe anytime soon, but it sure is handy to know where 20 quid may get me shall i mysteriously wake up in london someday soon.
how did i end up here? what was i talking about?
japan, right.
anyway, in a child-like, fidgety, counting-the sleeps kind of way i am excited.
its been a while since that happened.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

right is might

and so GWB has won. bitterly disappointed yet again, but unsurprised.
nothing much that can be done to change that now.
fear often stands in the way of progress.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

And so i submit...

my name is elo and i am addicted to blogs...
in order to feel i am contributing to this quasi-society i have spent so many hours in, i have decided to start my own blog. in the event that i become disillusioned with my ability to write anything of interest i will promptly cease and desist from said contribution... same will happen if i just happen to get bored with it. being a girl who'll try anything once, i figured i should give it a go. no, that last sentence does not constitute an open invitation to attempt to make me part of any real life enactments of your dirty fantasies. i'm not that kind of girl
(when i'm sober.)
anyway, i'll see how this goes, see how long it lasts,
this could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship
*vomits, chokes, dies*
or not.