Void Vernacular

invalid inneundo

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

"you look tired"

i know, i know, it's been a while. i had to have a computer de-tox after spending so many brain-numbing hours studying (i.e. sitting in the library reading blogs and checking for new posts - every half hour). now i feel refreshed and ready to face the neon screen once again.

now, those who know me will know that i don't often get very angry. i'm sort of a non-confrontational piss-ant who would rather have you standing on my foot than asking you to get off... except after i've had a few drinks, then don't you even fucking think of looking at me sideways ,or my boyfriend for that matter!
the point is i'm pretty easy-going, to my own detriment at times. BUT the one thing that is bound to fire me up is when people tell me that i look tired.

what the fuck do they hope to achieve with such a ridiculous fucking comment?
it makes me CRAZY angry.
there are two possibilities that should be considered by anyone even thinking of telling someone else that they look tired:

(a) maybe they are fucking tired. tired of pouring your fucking drinks and politely laughing at your fucking pathetic attempts at humour and politely ignoring the fact that you keep staring at their breasts. perhaps their fucking exhausted because they drank so much coffee the night before in an attempt to stay awake to study that when they finally let themselves go to bed they couldn't sleep. basically, there is a possibility that they are, in fact, tired and they don't need you to remind them of that fact. they don't need their tiredness to be compounded with the news that they not only feel like shit but also look like shit.

(b) it could be that they, in fact, are not tired. maybe you caught them in a moment of deep thought. maybe while they were pouring your carlton they were contemplating something more important than what flavour chips you might want to eat because YOU CAN'T FUCKING DECIDE. just because someone isn't smiling it does not mean they are tired. if you tell someone who is not tired that they look tired, you are insulting them.

either way the results are not good. there is never going to be a situation when someone is glad that you told them that they look like shit. unless possibly if it is followed by the offer to complete an undesirable task. eg. "you look tired, let me do the washing up." but even then that's just an insult followed very quickly with a compensatory distractor.

telling people that they look tired is a fucking stupid thing to do and should be punishable by a fierce poke in the eye and a kick in the nads.
i'm tired now.


At 2:39 pm, Blogger la nadine said...

why do i have to get kicked when someone tells you that you look tired?

it hardly seems fair.

At 6:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the comments you have posted about when someone tells you you look tired and how inappropriate it is.(except for all the bathroom words you included.) Your comments are right on. I was wondering if others thought this comment in appropriate. Just yesterday, one of my friends told me I looked tired. I replied that "no I am just ugly." She got a shock from this but did shut up after she said "oh I did mean to say that." I wonder what she did mean to say?

Old Gammi that has to work hard not to look old & tired and doesn't need anyone telling her she does.... We mostly know what we look like.

At 12:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good design!
[url=http://jyvcbabu.com/oyiu/hiyy.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://ptefhcyw.com/xaxz/oowj.html]Cool site[/url]

At 12:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good design!
My homepage | Please visit

At 12:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!
http://jyvcbabu.com/oyiu/hiyy.html | http://ozxkxeah.com/llyy/egyt.html


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